Please note: some links are to external sites. Links are listed at the discretion of the webmaster.
Northwest Chess does not endorse the external sites linked.
Interested in submitting your articles, games, book reviews, etc.? – Please use the contact form on the
NWC home page to initiate contact and discuss your materials.
Last new article added: September 17, 2015. Last revision: January 6,
Historical Events and Publications
"Best of Northwest Chess" – A collection
of articles from Washington Chess Letter, Northwest Chess Letter
and Northwest Chess identified by former editor and business manager Russell (Rusty) Miller.
Recent Events
Other articles and historical information:
Note: Some articles have been moved to the "Best of
Northwest Chess" page linked above. Also note that articles about specific persons are
available on the "People Articles" page.
Acers, Jude
- collection of his articles on the California Chess History site.
British Columbia
- History including B.C. vs. Washington Matches.
of an early (1946 or 1947) BC-WA match, from the California Chess News.
The above BC link mentions an April 5, 1947 front-page Chess Life
article on the 3rd Washington vs. BC match, including a photo of the
accompanying Ulvestad-Dake exhibition match. Back issues of Chess Life
can be viewed for free at, so check it out!
California Chess History (many
articles and publication back issues available).
Editors List (WCL and NWC).
Idaho Chess Association history page.
Idaho Chess History Project.
Log Cabin Chess Club, 1954 PNW tour from The
Log Cabin Chess Derivatives, Reported by IM John Donaldson - E. Forry Laucks and his Log Cabin Chess Club from East Orange,
New Jersey, toured the Pacific Northwest in the summer of 1954. The scan shows they
covered a lot of territory. In addition to the matches listed they were also in Coeur
d'Alene (Sept. 3), Vancouver (Sept. 7) and Wyoming.
Scholastic Chess Tournament History, 1967-1984 by Clay Kelleher (2007) with additions by Russell Miller (2014)
Oregon Open Champions 1948 to Date.
Oregon State Chess Champions 1961 to Date.
Puget Sound Chess News,
Sep. 1946 to Feb. 1947 (PDF file of scans)
Misc. 1932 from The Chess Reporter published in California.
Nov 1948 article from the The Independent newspaper
(part of the Long Beach, CA Press-Telegram) about WA chess champion Olaf Ulvestad and the Russians.
Seattle World's Fair (1962) chess event - see photo currently on the homepage.
Sheets, Leonard (former WA chess champion) -
photo/article in May 1946 Seattle Daily Times about his activities as a golfer!
Soviet Chess by James McCormick from July 1961 WCL (PDF file of scan).
Spokane Chess History (on the Spokane club's website).
Spokane vs.
Nelson, BC match - report from American Chess Bulletin, 1910, page 184.
Supplied by IM John Donaldson.
columns from the Illustrated London News, 1845-1874, compiled by Jon Crumiller.
(Link is to an Excel spreadsheet of links to the actual columns.)
U.S. Junior Open report, from Oct. 1978 NWC.
(Note: Winner was Yasser Seirawan.)
Washington Open Champions 1992 to Date.
Washington State Chess Champions 1862 to Date.
A Short History of the Washington State Championship
by IM John Donaldson from the April 1993 edition of NWC. (PDF file of scans)
Washington Chess Letter scanning project (on a separate page).
Washington Chess Letter/NWC
recaps by Russell Miller (on a separate page).
Washington Chess Letter/NWC cover images
by Russell Miller (on a separate page).
1957 Washington Open (actually held Oct 20-21, 1956) in Spokane.
Articles in PDF format, with a page of cartoons!
5-7, 1971 Northwest Invitational Chess Tournament, Park-Haviland Hotel
Portland, OR. Article from May 1971 Chess Life.
| CBV format games file.