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NWC: Home > Articles > Events > 2014 > OR Champ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2014 Oregon State Championship |
Postponed due to weather conditions! The tournament was postponed and began the holiday weekend of Feb. 15-17, instead of Feb. 8-9 as originally planned. The 2014 Oregon State Championship ("Oregon Closed") chess tournament was contested as a round-robin the weekends of February 15-16-17 and 22-23, 2014 in Portland as detailed below. Rounds begin at 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Grisha Alpernas was the TD and collected the game scores. Players were selected according to the OCF Bylaws. Game scores: PGN format:
ORChamp2014.pgn (moved to games section), Information (also see website and Grisha Alpernas Facebook page). Usual formats and prizes. Time control of 40/120, SD/60, with 5 second delay. Players in the Championship need to send a $50 deposit which will be returned after completion of all rounds. Prizes are $200 for 1st place, $100 for 2nd, $50 for third. Best wishes and Good Luck to you all! Russell W. Miller offered to award a $100.00 prize for a perfect winning score of 9-0, however after round 4 there were no players with a perfect score. You can also see some of Rusty's photos of the first day of competition on Flickr. According to Grisha, the event will now be both USCF and FIDE rated. The Field: Final roster per Grisha Alpernas (ratings as of January 1, 2014; see below for pairing numbers, updated ratings and city of residence): Name Rating (Jan. 1) The drawing of starting numbers was held in the Portland Chess Club on January 25 (Saturday). Schedule and Other Information Revised Schedule/Location: The official opening ceremony was at 10 AM on Saturday, February 15. Here are the pairings: ChampionshipCongratulations to Nick Raptis for successfully defending his Oregon State chess championship! The Championship has been registered and FIDE rated. Note: Corbin Yu withdrew after the first weekend due to illness.
Prizes: $200 (1st), $100 (2nd), $50 (3rd). Organized by the Oregon Chess Federation. Look for a report in a future issue of NORTHWEST CHESS. Other recent OR chess championships: 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2006 | 2004 Previous OR chess championships: List of winners (includes links to event summary pages). |