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Northwest Chess — Chess News from Washington, Oregon and Idaho

Northwest Chess is a non-profit corporation registered in Washington State.
Address: NWC c/o Orlov Chess Academy, 4174 148TH AVE NE BLDG I STE M, REDMOND, WA 98052-5164.
See magazine section for subscription and advertising information.
Home Articles Calendar Clubs Games Grand Prix
History Links Magazine Officers Registration Scholastics

Northwest Chess Calendar of Events

Open/Club Events | Scholastic/Junior Events

Other U.S. and international chess calendars
British Columbia Chess Federation calendar

Since almost all advertised events now have flyers, magazine ads and/or websites, separate paragraph-style TAs are no longer available (although they may sometimes appear in the magazine).

If you are looking for an ad or flyer from a completed event,
you may be able to find it in one of the magazine back issues.

Guide to Tournament Announcements (Abbreviations, etc.)
These abbreviations may be used in ads, flyers, etc.

Please send corrections and additions (including new events) to: Eric Holcomb.
Tournament organizers – please help avoid conflicts by using this calendar!

Open/Club Events

This is a summary of regional (and a few national) events advertised with Northwest Chess. Free ads are no longer accepted for open events (see the note below), however, please see our chess club page, and find out if your local chess club has events.

State membership required to enter some events (including WCF events).
Chess club membership may be required for some club events.

Contact information for major chess clubs listing events:

Club / web site link Contact / e-mail link Telephone
Idaho Chess Association Adam Porth  
Portland Chess Club email@pdxchess.org (503) 246-2978
Seattle Chess Club contact@seattlechess.club (206) 417-5405
Spokane Chess Club Kevin Korsmo (509) 270-1772
Tacoma Chess Club Vivi Bartron (253) 572-4912

Weekly Events and Casual Chess Gatherings are listed on a separate page.
Also, please see the club page for info about chess club regular meetings.

Excel With Chess business card Orangutan Academy business card Sri Chess Academy business card
Ryan Ackerman business card Harrison Toppen-Ryan business card Neil Salmon business card
Josh Sinanan business card Orlov business card Chess4Life business card
Grand Knights Chess Academy Paid Advertisements – Thank you for your support of Northwest Chess!
To advertise your chess school/camp or coaching, please contact Northwest Chess at info@nwchess.com.
Cost: (includes magazine ad) $150.00 full year, $80.00 summer camp season only.
Coach Matt business card
Lin Shih ad
Ad provided as courtesy to Lin Shih, wife of Ken Lee, who has worked on some excellent interviews
recently appearing in Northwest Chess magazine. Thanks, Ken!

Note: Per the advertising policy adopted by the NWC board, most website event ads (except scholastic only) are not free. If an event is not advertised in NWC magazine, the fee for a website-only ad is $10 for the calendar page.
Please see our chess club page, and find out if your local chess club has events.


March 2025

If you don't find details for the event you're interested in, please contact the organizer.

Juniors: If you're under age 18 (or are looking for events for your kid), please also see the Scholastic/Junior Events section below.

  • Seattle Chess Club - The club is open at 7212 Woodlawn Ave NE at the Orlov Chess Academy. A capacity limit and other restrictions may apply. Contact: John Selsky, jselsky3@comcast.net.

See Seattle CC March ad for details on SCC events, or visit https://seattlechess.club/.

  • Mar 7, 14, 21, 28 SCC March Winds, Seattle, WA
  • Mar 9 SCC March Tornado, Seattle, WA
  • Mar 22-23 Seattle Spring Open, Seattle, WA

April-May 2025


Scholastic/Junior Events

See the scholastic page for chess camps/school chess club web sites, etc.
Business card ads appearing above also appear on the chess camps page.
See the WHSCA/OSCF scholastic calendar

Many open chess events are suitable for experienced scholastic players,
so be sure to also review the open events above.

Weekly Events

These events are usually held weekly or at frequent scheduled times.
Please see the club page for info about chess club regular meetings.

  • Chess4Life Premium Classes are for chess players of all skill levels and are offered online nationwide and in-person in Bellevue and Issaquah, WA! Weekly, small-group classes meet with a dedicated coach for their chess skill level. Each student’s progress through the Chess4Life proprietary curriculum is tracked individually on digital Achievement Charts. Our curriculum builds foundational chess skills in problem-solving and planning without memorization and focuses on life skills like sportsmanship, goal-setting, and respect. Start classes anytime. For additional guidance, schedule a Free Assessment Lesson on Chess4Life.com.

  • Chess4Life Chess Camps - School breaks don't have to mean a break from problem-solving, confidence-building, and chess practice! In-person and Online Chess Camps offer engaging chess lessons and daily tournaments in multiple skill groups to welcome beginners and advanced players. Check out Chess PLUS Camps to pair chess with exciting activities like Table Tennis. Camps offered during school breaks and summer months.

  • Chess4Life Quads - Weekly NWSRS-rated, 3-round tournaments hosted Online and In-Person in Bellevue. Players paired in groups of 4 (Quad) of similarly-rated players for 3 quality chess games! The winner of each Quad earns a trophy. Online Quads includes a live Game Analysis Breakout Room with an experienced coach. Hosted weekly at 5:00 PM PT Online and 6:45 PM PT in-person.

  • Chesssport Grandmaster Classes with GM Emil Anka.

  • Saturdays Noon to 2:00 PM - Detective Cookie's Urban Youth Chess Club (ages 5-18 plus family), Rainier Beach Branch (Library), Seattle, WA. Library events and programs are free and everyone is welcome. Registration is not required. Contact Info: Rainier Beach Branch, 206-386-1906.

  • Various – Orlov Chess Academy with IM Georgi Orlov. See www.chessplayer.com, e-mail info@chessplayer.com, and business card above. (Registration required; fees charged per class attended.)

March 2025

Also see the WHSCA/OSCF scholastic calendar.

For Bellingham and NW Wash. events, see http://northwestchess.info/calendar.html.

Note: There are typically many chess camps and activities available during the summer season, and sometimes during the school year (including holidays) as well. Please contact individual camp organizers, including those advertised above, for more info.

April-May 2025

US Chess NATIONAL Scholastics