Site change history (cont'd):
- 7/31/2009 Posted new Minev column: Mini-Lesson #4: Double Attack with a Rook".
- 7/13/2009 Posted 28 new or revised crosstables, covering the Bulgaria team championships through 1981
- 7/6/2009 New listings added to Minev bibliography of articles published in Northwest Chess. The list is now complete.
Added a missing game to the previously posted article by Minev of games between Marshall and Pillsbury.
- 6/27/2009 Posted new Minev column: "Mini-Lesson #3: Trends in the Slav Defense".
This is being used to announce current work and provide more in depth discussion of the Site content and development.
- 6/6/2009 Two new Minev articles ("The Rarest Sacrifice in the Opening: Rxf2" and
"Mini-Lesson #2: The Intermediate Move"); 9 new crosstables
- 5/15/2009 A number of new postings and changes:
- First posting of a
NEW COLUMN by IM Nikolay Minev (popular tactics columnist
for Inside Chess magazine).
This will be a new regular feature on this site, with
a new column posted each month.
New article by Minev: "Marshall vs. Pillsbury"
New article by Minev: "A Rare Double Gambit."
- Posted some crosstable corrections and new crosstables.
- Updates to Minev
Bibliography for early
Northwest Chess articles
- 1/2/2009 Added 20 new or corrected crosstables
- 11/16/2008 Posted 2 new articles by IM Minev: "An Appreciation of GM Bronstein" and "The Surprising Sacrifice: Bg6!!"
- 11/14/2008 A NEW BOOK by Nikolay Minev is now available: Rudolf Spielmann: Fifty Great Short Games.
See the Books page for details and to purchase.
- 9/23/2008 Added 23 new or corrected crosstables (Bulgarian championships through 1988)
- 8/17/2008 Added Minev Bibliography of articles published in Inside Chess. Added 31 new or updated crosstables (Bulgarian championships 1933 - 1967).
- 7/13/2008 Added 61 new crosstables (mostly USSR championships).
- 5/26/2008 Added 18 new crosstables (prior to 1930)
- 5/15/2008 Added 15 new crosstables (prior to 1920)
- 5/2/2008 Added book previews and the option to purchase most book content as an eBook (pdf format, as an email attachment)
instead of hard copy. Updates to Bibliography page and new files added to Content section.
- 4/29/2008 A NEW BOOK by Nikolay Minev is now available: Tony Miles: Fifty Great Short Games.
See the Books page for details and to purchase. One additional book is still in the works for 2008, with an estimated publication date of July 2008.
- 3/29/2008 Added Shopping Cart to book page.
- 3/12/2008 A NEW BOOK by Nikolay Minev is soon to be available: Tony Miles: Fifty Great Short Games
will be released in April 2008! Added Minev Bibliography information.
- 1/10/08 A NEW BOOK by Nikolay Minev is now available: David Bronstein: Fifty Great Short Games.
See the Books page for details and to purchase.
Two additional books are in the works for 2008, so I expect to be working more on this and less on new crosstables for a couple of months.
- 12/27/07 Error corrections and minor site "remodeling" - no new content. Added page about books published.
- 12/2/07 Posted more Minev crosstables through 1966 (11 new events, 2 revised). Added Minev bio. Posted Minev file: interesting endgames.
- 9/27/07 Posted more Minev crosstables through 1965 (18 events).
- 8/19/07 Posted more Minev crosstables through 1961 (19 events).
- 7/9/07 Updated the "New and Forgotten Openings" files (under Content from IM Minev) to be viewable using MyChessViewer (replacing text files).
- 7/8/07 Added games files in "The Minev Project" section for IM Minev's "Best Games" (71 games) and
"All Known Games" (1150 games). All games files are now viewable on screen using MyChessViewer.
- 4/16/07 Posted more Minev crosstables from events through 1957 (18 events).
- 3/4/07 Posted crosstable entry template and short matches of 20th century info from N. Minev.
- 2/11/07 Added many new photos to the photo gallery (Minev project)
- 2/9/07 BACK IN PRINT: Miguel Najdorf: King of the King's Indian Defense (by Nikolay Minev).
Posted 39 more tournament crosstables (mostly from material contributed by Eduardo Bauza Mercere)
- 1/28/07 I have been working on republishing Dr. Minev's book on Najdorf (Miguel Najdorf: King of the King's Indian Defense) and hope to have that
available for purchase again within the next week. Posted 14 more crosstables, from CL archives and from Eduardo Bauza Mercere.
- 1/6/07 Posted 64 more crosstables from CL archives. New page added for Crosstable Standards.
- 1/2/07 Posted 43 more crosstables from CL archives
- 1/1/07 Completed conversion to .htm file type. All posted crosstables are now searchable for player name. Next steps planned (2007):
- Post the remainder of the available Chess Library archive files
(approx. 300 more tournaments)
- Post additional info on Minev (best games, crosstables)
- Verfication/confidence level info on all crosstables
- New crosstables from primary sources
- 12/28/06 I discovered that site search will not work for .pdfs with the tools available,
so am switching to .html for crosstables. This will allow for a search by player name which will return crosstables the player appears in (events through 1939 converted).
New info added on crosstable verfication and accuracy.
- 12/10/06 added new Minev info; added site search.
- 11/25/06 Switched to .pdf for crosstables; 47 new posted.
- 11/17/06 Initial launch. 38 Crosstables posted.