The Chess Library Books
Books Published by The Chess Library
The Chess Library has published several books authored by respected author, columnist, and chess educator
- International Master Nikolay Minev:
Note: The Minev books are still available via Print on Demand at
Philip McCready's Lulu account, but can no longer be purchased directly.
For over six decades, International Master, Dr. Nikolay Minev has been
playing, researching, writing, lecturing, teaching, and coaching chess. He was
the champion of his native Bulgaria in 1953, 1965, and 1966 (and tied for first
in 1951). He represented his country in six Chess Olympiads (1954, 1956,
1958, 1960, 1962, and 1966), several times on top board. For nearly three
decades, Minev participated in high level international tournaments, three
times qualifying for the FIDE Zonals (1954, 1963, and 1967). His best
international results were finishing third at Varna in 1960, second at Warsaw
in 1961, tied for first at Sombor in 1966, third at Novi Sad 1972, and second at
Albena in 1975, where he earned a GM norm. He was awarded the
International Master title in 1960.
An expert on endings and tactics, Minev was one of the principal contributors
to Chess Informant’s Encyclopedia of Chess Endings series. He also
contributed to early editions of the Encyclopedia of Chess Openings. He
served for many years as editor of the Bulgarian national chess magazine
Shakhmatna Misl and was a regular columnist for Inside Chess for over ten
He is well-known as a chess educator, trainer, and author, and has written or
co-written more than 25 books.
Currently Available at
(all titles are by International Master Nikolay Minev)
 | | Rudolf Spielmann: Fifty Great Short Games
ISBN - 978-0-9661889-4-3
2008, perfect bound, 86 pages
Indices: player, opening, event, annotator
Book - $18.25; eBook (pdf) - $11.50
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A collection of 50 games by the early master of attack. All are games in which | | Spielmann achieves victory in 26 moves or less. Spielmann was known as one of the greatest creative and imaginative players of his day. His games continue to be relevant for those wanting to hone the ability to execute combinations and dictate the course of the game.
 | | Tony Miles: Fifty Great Short Games
| ISBN - 978-0-9661889-3-6 2008, perfect bound, 90 pages Indices: player, opening, event Book - $18.25; eBook (pdf) - $11.50 Preview this book
A collection of 50 games by the late English Grandmaster Tony Miles. All are |
| | games in which Miles achieves victory in 24 moves or less. Miles's play was known for being unconventional and original. He liked "off beat" openings and displayed great creativity.
 | | David Bronstein: Fifty Great Short Games
| ISBN - 978-0-9661889-2-9 2008, perfect bound, 97 pages Indices: player, opening, event index Book - $18.49; eBook (pdf) $11.50 Preview this book
A collection of 50 games by the late Grandmaster and world championship |
| | candidate David Bronstein. All are games in which Bronstein achieves victory in 24 moves or less. Bronstein's play was known for being bold, creative, and ingenious. A remarkable collection!
 | | Miguel Najdorf: King of the King's Indian Defense
| ISBN - 978-0-9661889-1-2 1997, 2007, perfect bound, 116 pages Index: player Book - $18.75; eBook (pdf) - $11.50 Preview this book
A collection of games in which the late GM Miguel Najdorf plays the Black side |
| | of the King's Indian Defense. Najdorf's contribution to the theory and practice of the King's Indian Defense was fundamental to its development as a dynamic system of defense. In these games, Najdorf demonstrates his fine tactical and positional skills, and his deep understanding of the many varied structures of the opening. Playing only the Black pieces in these 202 games, Najdorf nonetheless achieves an incredible record of 100 wins, 73 draws, and only 29 loses (67.6%!).