The degree of confidence varies on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. My ratings translate as follows:
Player Names
I am attempting to be consistent in the spelling of player names, so that searches return a reliable and complete result. Player name spelling used is based on J. Gaige's Chess Personalia - A Biobibliography, with the exception that I have avoided the use of any foreign language characters and diacritical marks. In cases where Gaige has made use of such a character, I have attempted to be consistent in applying an English spelling that would be consistent with Gaige's spelling and in accordance with how users might expect the name to be spelled.
For example: Samisch (with umlat) in Gaige becomes Saemisch Grunfeld (with umlat) in Gaige becomes Gruenfeld, etc.
Secondary Sources
The paragraph above mentions "trusted secondary sources" used in validation. Some of the sources used include: