Photo: The four Washington players (including Anthony He and Naomi Bashkansky) at the WYCC in Greece. Credit: Xuhao He. |
Scholastic Events (November-December):
Open or Invitational Events (December):

Photo: View of the playing hall at the Washington Class Championships. |
Open or Invitational Events (November):
Scholastic Events (September-October):

Photo: strong concentration at the Eastern Washington Open. Credit: Annette Weyland. |
Open/Invitational Events (September):
Scholastic Events (August):

Photo: Conclusion of a round 4 game at the Vancouver Open. Credit: Russell Miller. |
Open/Invitational Events (August):
Scholastic Events (July):
Open/Invitational Events (July):
Open/Invitational Events (June):

Photo: Players shake hands before round 1 of the Washington Open. |
Open/Invitational Events (May):
Scholastic Events (April):

Photo: Playing room at the Evans Memorial Open. Vik Pupols in blue jacket. Photo by Russell Miller. |
Open/Invitational Events (April):

Photo: Trophy winners in the WA Girl's Champ. (L to R): 5th Cheyenne Zhang,
4th Freya Gulamali, 3rd Becca Lampman (not shown), 2nd Naomi Bashkansky, 1st Sangeeta Dhingra. |
Scholastic Events (March):
- WA State Girl's Championship (Mar 28-29) in Redmond and Bellevue, WA
- Bethel Chess Quads (K-12 and adult) (Mar 20) in Eugene, OR
- Chess for Success
K-8 Individual Championships (Mar 14), Portland, OR
- Chess for
Success 9-12 Individual Championships (Mar 13), Portland, OR
- Chess for
Success Team Championships (Mar 13), Portland, OR
- WA State Scholastic Chess Championships (Mar 7-8) in Bellevue and Seattle, WA
- Happy Valley Chess Rally (K-8) (Mar 7) in Bellingham, WA
Polgar Nationwide Open for Girls and Boys (Feb 28-Mar 1) in San Mateo, CA
Open/Invitational Events (March):
Scholastic Events (February):
Washington State chess champion Roland Feng. |
Open/Invitational Events (February):

Daniel He, winner of the Washington Junior Closed. |
Scholastic Events (January):
Open Events (January):
- Seattle CC Saturday Quads (Jan 31)
- Portland CC G/60 (Jan 31)
- Portland Tuesday Night Quads (Jan 6-27)
- Seattle CC Sunday Tornado (Jan 25)
- New Years 30-30 (Jan 16-23) in Tacoma
- Portland Chess Club Thursday Blitz (USCF Blitz rated) (Jan 22)
- Seattle City Championship (Jan 16-18)
- Portland Saturday Quads (G/45) + Blitz Tournament (Jan 17)
- Let's Play Booth at Tacoma Dome (Jan 17) in Tacoma.
- Seattle CC Novice (Jan 11)
- Tacoma Chess Championship (concluded on Jan 9)
- Portland Chess Club Thursday Blitz (USCF Blitz rated) (Jan 8)
- Gresham Open (Jan 3-4) in Gresham, OR -
See flyer
- Seattle CC Saturday Quads (Jan 3)
Idaho Blitz Chess Championship (Jan 3) in Boise