Tag: Georgi Orlov

  • IM Georgi Orlov Wins WA Open 6-0!

      The 2017 WA Open was held at the Lynnwood Embassy Suites over Memorial Day weekend May 27-29. A strong attendance of about 205 players took part from throughout the Northwest, primarily from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia. The event was hosted by Washington Chess Federation. Organizers: WCF Tournament Coordinator Dan Mathews & WCF…

  • Winter Chess Fest Scholastic Event Results

    IM Georgi Orlov was the chief director for a large scholastic chess event held January 18, 2014 at Broadview Thompson Elementary School in Seattle. The K-1st Grade section had 55 players and two finished with 5-0 scores: Robert Michailov and George Hurley. 106 players in Grades 2-4 section ended with another two players with 5-0 scores:…