Category: Tournament Results

  • Oregon Senior 2013 Results

    Chess Master Viktors Pupols of Kingston WA won the event with 4.5-.5. 2nd was Carl Haessler of Lake Oswego 4-1. 19 players took part in the event held July 6-7 in Oregon City with the sponsoring affiliate being the Oregon Chess Federation. Tournament was directed by Gregori Alpernas. USCF Crosstable CLICK HERE.

  • Evergreen Empire Open Results

    Michael Macgregor of Tacoma won the event held June 29, 2013 (USCF crosstable says June 30 but that is probably wrong) at the Tacoma Chess Club. His score was 4-0. Gary Dorfner of Tacoma was the TD for the 8 player event. The TLA says the time control was G/60; d5 while the USCF crosstable says…

  • Portland CC June 2013 Quads Results

    2 sections of 6 players each took part in the event held June 4 to July 2, 2013. Gregori Alpernas handled the TD tasks. 4.5-.5 score by Lennart Bjorksten topped the upper section. 3.5-1.5 by Jeff Austin topped the lower section. This event was played with a time control of 40/90 SD/30 d5. USCF Crosstable here.

  • Seattle Chess Club July Tornado Results

    16 players in 4 quads took part on July 6, 2013 at the Seattle Chess Club. Fred Kleist was the tournament director. Michael Lin of California scored 2.5-.5 to win the top section quad. Kyle Haining and Anthony He both scored 2-1 to top the 2nd quad. Dalton He’s score of 3-0 won his section.…

  • Seattle CC June Tornado 2

    29 players took part in the event held June 30, 2013 under direction of Fred Kleist. Three way tie for 1st at 3.5-.5 by Michael Lin of CA, Trey Michaels and Justin Yu. CLICK HERE for USCF crosstable.

  • TIS Your Move June Results

    TGIM June 2013 had 24 players in three sections played June 3-24. Open section of 19 players was won by Steve Witt 4-0. Reserve section of 5 players was won by Aaron Probst 3.5-.5. Crosstable CLICK here TGIF June 2013 had 14 players in 2 sections played June 7 to June 28. Open section was…

  • Portland CC June G/60 Results

    Two of the 14 players both from Washington scored 3.5-.5 to top the event: Micah Smith and Noah Fields. They drew with each other in round 3. Neil Dale was the chief TD with assistance from Micah Smith. Kian Patel scored 3-1 pushing his regular USCF rating from 1335 to 1524. USCF Crosstable CLICK HERE.

  • Medford CC Game in 29 Results

    Corey Russell won a quad held in Medford on June 22, 2013. His score was 3-0. Gregori Alpernas was the TD and also played. CLICK HERE for USCF Crosstable.

  • Emerald City Open Results

    Fred and Carol Kleist directed 44 players in two sections at the Seattle Chess Club on June 14-16, 2013. In the open section 3 players finished with 4-1 scores: Roland Feng, Bryce Tiglon and Patrick Van Dyke. Noah Yeo won the reserve section with 4.5.5. 2nd was Mark Kelly with 4-1. CLICK HERE for USCF…

  • 16 Players Take Part in Seattle CC June Quads

    Fred Kleist of Seattle directed the 4 quads held on June 8. Michael Lin of California won the top quad with 3-0 and pushed his rating above 2200. Ben Wyde scored 3-0 to top his quad. 2.5-.5 by Rafik Robeal won his quad. Another 3-0 score by Freya Gulamali topped her quad section. Time control…