Author: Russell (Rusty) Miller
Photos from Pasadena 1932.
These two photos comes from the chess archives of Jacqueline Piatigorsky who inherited them from her chess teacher Herman Steiner. The first photo can be found in Casey Bush’s book Grandmaster from Oregon about the late Arthur Dake. The second, showing Sammy Reshevsky, Arthur Dake and Herman Steiner receiving their prizes for tying for third place, is…
TGIM April 2013 Results
19 players took part and there were three from Portland who scored 4-1: Nick Raptis, infection Jason Cigan and Jerry Sherrard. TIS Your Move was the USCF sponsoring group and the TD was Sean Tobin. Play was on Mondays in April in Beaverton. Crosstable Click HERE
Sunday Slam Blitz Results
On April 28 at Red Castle Games in Portland, Sean Tobin of Portland organized, directed, played in and won a 9 player USCF Blitz rated (G/5) event with 11.5-2.5. 2nd – 3rd placed with 10-4 were Yogi Saputa of Albany and Jerry Sherrard of Portland. In this type event you play your opponents one game with white…
TGIF for April Results
Sean Tobin of Portland directed the April TGIF event held in Beaverton, April 5-26, 2013. There were two sections. Nick Raptis with 3.5-.5 (a half point bye) score won the 13 player Section 1. 2nd-3rd places at 3-1 scores were: Nathan Khingratsaphone and Matthew Stevens of Portland. Section 2 of 5 players was won with…
Seattle CC Adult Swiss Event Results
Fred Kleist of Seattle played in, directed and won the Seattle Chess Club Adult Swiss held on April 20-21, 2013. 13 players took part and Fred’s winning score was 3.5-.5. A half point behind was Neal Bonrud of North Bend, WA taking 2nd place clear. USCF Crosstable Click Here.
Portland CC April Game in 60 results
Nick Raptis of Portland once again won the Portland Chess Club’s monthly Game in 60 event. This time with a 4-0 score. 27 players took part in the event held April 27 under the direction of Gregori Alpernas of Lake Oswego. Sean O’Connell of Hubbard, OR finished clear 2nd with 3.5-.5. 3rd – 7th place…
2013 Inland Empire Chess Tournament
Spokane Chess Club reports on Facebook: This year’s installment of our oldest tourney, the Inland Empire Open, was played at Gonzaga University’s Schoenberg Center April 27-28 with a field of 32 competing. Top seed John Julian of Walla Walla won with a 4.5 score; he was the only perfect (3.0) score after the first day’s…
The large chess set gets a lot of use but is often set up wrong. There are pieces for playing checkers also. Play on the board is possible all the hours the mall is open.
Red Castle Games Event
Sean Tobin reports on CEDAR HILLS CROSSING CHESS CLUB, Beaverton OR. The April 21st edition of SUNDAY SLAM at RED CASTLE GAMES has been rated! Congratulations to 1st place winner Nick Raptis ($90), 2nd place finisher Yogi Saputra ($70) and top Under 1600 Jazon Samillano ($60)! Thank you to all participants for making this an awesome event!…
2013 Washington Elem. Photos and Standings
Photos by Russell Miller from both days of the event, Friday and Saturday. CLICK HERE. STANDINGS CLICK HERE. CLICK for another BLOG about this event.