Author: Russell (Rusty) Miller
Results of Portland CC Dec G/60 event
14 players took part in the event held at the club site on Dec 17, 2016. Lennart Bjorksten was the chief TD. Gavin Zhang added to his rating because of his 4-0 final score. In the event held in Nov he tied for 3rd and in Oct his 3-0 score tied. CLICK HERE for the US…
Northwest Chess Open results
Duane Polich posted on Facebook: Results are in for the 2016 Northwest Chess Open. Congratulations to Nick Raptis from Washington who took first place with 4.5 points good for $170.00. Nick double dipped over the weekend also tieing for 1st in the Masters Series of events which was hosted on Saturday by Josh Sinanan and…
Spokane Chess Club report on Kids Event.
Found on Facebook for an event held Nov 19, 2016. Written by the TD James Stripes. Explosive Growth Evident Youth chess in Spokane appears to be growing rapidly, judging by the turn-out at the Pilgrim’s Progress scholastic tournament at Saint George’s School, November 19. There were 83 students in grades K-8 representing 24 schools. The…
Seattle Chess Club July 9, 2016
I stopped by for a few photos during a tournament. CLICK HERE for the photos. CLICK HERE for xtable of the event plus a Novice event held on Sunday.
Portland CC May G/60 Event
CLICK HERE for the pictures I took during the first round on May 20, 2016. CLICK HERE for the link to the xtable.
Spokane CC event Inland Empire Open
Taken for a Facebook post by Spokane Chess Club. “INLAND EMPIRE OPEN — THREE’S A CROWD!! This year’s installment of the Inland Empire Open ended up with the top three seeds sharing first place and claiming the prizes for first, second, and third. Michael Cambareri, Michael Murray and Pavlo Zaborskyy all scored 4.0 to top…
Portland CC Event on May 14-15
40 players took part in the 2ND ANNUAL ROSE CITY SECTIONALS. CLICK HERE for my photos taken during round 1. CLICK HERE for xtables.
11th Annual OSCF State Chess Championships
CLICK HERE for my photos from visiting the event on Saturday. CLICK HERE for the OSCF Facebook page. CLICK HERE for Ratings Northwest crosstables. CLICK HERE for US Chess crosstables of the event.
Jason Cigan Tops Portland Spring Open
From Portland CC website “Portland Spring Open (March 12-13): This year’s edition was run by Mike Janniro with assistance from Mike Lilly. There were thirty-five players, twenty-three in the open, led by five 2100’s, and twelve in the reserve (U1800). Starting with last year’s Summer Open, we began allowing a half point bye on the last…
Oregon High School Team Results
Team members are, from left, juniors Kian Patel and Gabriel Skoro, seniors Duane Lee and Clemen Deng, and sophomore Anders Olsen. Photo and Article by Nancy Keller. Lincoln High School Varsity chess team was like a ferocious bear, shaking off pesky attackers one by one at the 2016 Oregon High School Chess Team State Championships…