Author: Russell (Rusty) Miller
National Chess Day in Vancouver WA
National Chess Day was Saturday October 13, 2018. On that day a Simultaneous Exhibition by Grandmaster James Tarjan was held at the Vancouver Mall, 8700 NE Vancouver Mall Drive, Vancouver WA near Macy’s entrance to the mall by the large chess set on the lower level that gets a lot of play. Play took place…
Oregon Kids event report
From Facebook post of Coquillle Chess Club Coquille Chess Club Oregon Scholastic State Championships It was a sunny weekend but in Seaside, nearly 400 chess players were indoors contending for the Oregon Scholastic State Championships at the Seaside Convention Center. Coos County had nine Coquille, two Myrtle Point and one North Bend player participating. Joshua…
Inland Empire Open article
Posted by Spokane Chess Club on facebook: HAVRILLA, CAMBARERI WIN INLAND EMPIRE OPEN April 29-30 Top seeds Michael Cambareri and Mark Havrilla won this year’s Inland Empire Open with scores of 4.0. Mark beat Michael in round four, but was held to a final round draw while Michael scored a comeback victory in a fascinating…
Harmon Report from Portland CC website
11th Annual Clark Harmon Memorial Open (April 1-2): The Harmon Memorial currently rotates between Oregon and Washington each year and was in Oregon this year. Clark was one of the Northwest’s premier players and ambassadors of the game for many decades. See more information about Clark here and here. After the original Neil Dale Memorial…
Report on Portland CC March Quad 45
From Portland CC website. Report by the TD. Quad 45 (March 18): This month the time control at the Quad 45 was changed from G/45;d15 to G/45;inc15. As far as we can tell, this is the first ever regular rated PCC tournament that used increment. There were several ideas behind switching from delay to increment.…
Chess for Success Event
From a Facebook post by Chess for Success. The first day of the 50th Anniversary tournaments (March 10, 2017) is in the books. K-5 Team winners were: Jacob Wismer Elementary in 1st, four way tie for 2nd (Hope Chinese Charter School, Charlemagne French Immersion School, Glencoe Elementary, and Beach K-8) and a two way tie…
Update BC vs WA Matches
From BCCF Bulletin #331 by Mr. Wright. For more info check HISTORY section of NWC website. BC VERSUS WASHINGTON Matches between BC and Washington chess clubs or cities have been going on for well over a century, but the first formal matches at a provincial/state level did not occur until the end of World War Two.…
2016 Washington G/60 Results
Washington Chess Federation reports on Facebook. The 2016 WA G/60 Championship was held at Seattle Chess Club over winter break December 27-28. The tournament was hosted by the Washington Chess Federation and directed by Fred Kleist. 50 players took part in one large open section, up slightly from last year. FM Ignacio Perez repeated as…
Kornelijs (Neil) Dale RIP
Photo Credit: Russell Miller The info available on USChess website starts in 1991. I believe he played and directed events before that. He was the tournament director for 10 Oregon Closed Championships, the first one in 1994. He directed many events at the Portland Chess Club site and other places also such as Newport and…