Washington Girls Championship Results

Becca Lampman a student a Union High School in Vancouver won the event with 3.5-.5 score. 2nd was another Vancouver resident, Sarah May who is home schooled at 3-1. 12 took part under the direction of David Hendricks on March 2, 2014.

CLICK HERE for USCF crosstable.

CLICK HERE for the scholastic ratings Crosstable.

Photo provided by the TD
Photo provided by the TD

This picture is from the last year’s event. Becca is the one in RED. Sarah is the tall blond in the back row.

Here is a picture from this years event also taken by the TD.

Top 5 winners: L to R: Becca Lampman, Sarah May, Olga Cherapakhin, Sangeeta Dhingra, Naomi Bashkansky
Top 5 winners:
L to R: Becca Lampman, Sarah May, Olga Cherapakhin, Sangeeta Dhingra, Naomi Bashkansky


