February 2013 issue of Northwest Chess

February 2013 Mock Up (Page 1)

The February issue of Northwest Chess was completed this evening and will be sent to the printers soon. The above link is the Formal Mock-up of the issue,  summarizing page by page what is in the issue.

I feel this is a fantastic issue. It should arrive on or before the 1st (or somewhere around there). I want to thank the readers (there were several) who contributed material for the magazine. There are some very interesting articles, games, and photos. I also put several crosstables in the issue.

I also want to thank Ralph Dubisch who did a great job annotating games, and Eric Holcomb, Duane Polich, and Rusty Miller for their comments and suggestions as the issue was taking shape. They also did a great job proofreading.

Jeff Roland,


