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Northwest Chess Press Release 2010-01

June 23, 2010

Northwest Chess combined June-July 750th Issue

June marks the 750th issue of Northwest Chess (NWC) magazine (including the early years when it was Washington Chess Letter – see the summary of past editions and editors at During the past few months, NWC editor Ralph Dubisch has fallen a bit behind schedule for a variety of reasons including family issues, and was taking extra time to assemble a special edition commemorating the 750th issue. As a result, the NWC publisher and business manager, in consultation with the editor, decided last week to make the June and July 2010 editions of NWC into a combined issue that will be printed and mailed this week. The combined issue will be 48 pages, versus 24 or 32 pages for regular monthly issues. We understand that this does cause some concern for advertisers and subscribers, however the impact should be minimal at this time, as a couple of important chess tournaments were already advertised in the May magazine. We are currently working to restore the normal schedule for the remainder of 2010 and into 2011, with the August magazine expected to be printed and mailed by about the end of July. Any decisions about a co-editor to assist Ralph Dubisch will be announced at a later time. There is also no decision at this time about any permanent change to the NWC publication schedule.

Please let the business manager know if you have any questions or concerns about this subject. We will keep readers up-to-date as the year progresses, and we would also like to assure everyone that no dues or subscription price increases will be implemented this year.

Advertisers should always submit their tournament announcements (and other ads) by the 10th of the month preceding the event, for example by July 10 for August events. For events the first weekend of the month, it may be advisable to advertise one month early. The 10th of the month deadline will also apply to chess game scores and other news and articles. Late submissions may result in the material not appearing until a month later, or not at all in the case of event announcements.

A copy of this information will be submitted to the manager of the USPS business mail unit in Seattle as required by postal regulations.

USPS / ISSN publication number 0146-6941.

Thank you,

Eric Holcomb
NWC Business Manager