WA vs OR Champs Match

Feng vs Raptis
Feng vs Raptis

Photo Credit: Josh Sinanan.

Below are the final results of the 2015 Roland Feng WA-Nick Raptis OR State Champions Match, which took place Nov. 13-15 at the Seattle Chess Club concurrently with the Extravaganza.

Game 1: Draw
Game 2: Draw
Game 3: Roland won
Game 4: Nick won
Game 5: Roland won
Game 6: Draw

Final Score: Feng 3.5 – Raptis 2.5.

Rounds: Friday: 8pm, Saturday: 11:00am, 2:30pm, 7:00pm, Sunday: 11:00am, 2:30pm.
Time control: G/90 inc. 30.
Prize Fund: 1st $300 2nd $200.
TD: Fred Kleist.
Organizer: Josh Sinanan.

Please find enclosed the pgn of the games. They can also be viewed here: http://chessmicrobase.com/m/dsmfubz9.

Here is a brief pictorial report on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1103312466359648.1073741865.173076032716634&type=3
Report by Josh

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