Becca Lampman ties for 1st Place in 12th All Girls Event.

Becca Lampman of Vancouver, Washington, scored 5-1 (2 draws) the same as 3 others for 1st place in the Under 18 section. “Becca won First Place on tie breaks and was awarded the championship trophy and prize,” so reports her mother to your reporter. The tournament was held April 17-19, 2015 in Chicago, Ill.

CLICK HERE for the USCF crosstables of the 359-player event.

Naomi Bashkansky of Bellevue, Washington, won 1st in the U12 section, reports Jill Lampman to your reporter. Also see “Naomi Wins the US All-Girls Chess Championship Again” on the family’s Chess Travel blog.

Becca won clear first with 8-0 the BLITZ event part of the tournament.
The USCF crosstable for the BLITZ can also be found at the above link.

1st report on USCF website: CLICK HERE.

2nd report on USCF website: CLICK HERE.



